Jury Sign Up
Please check this page and the Juvenile Diversion Calendar for Teen Court hearing dates and times.
If this is your first time serving on the Teen Court Jury, please review the Sentencing Guidelines and Jury Questions documents. The jury questions provided are really a guideline, and you will be able to ask anything that you feel is appropriate of the defendant in order to get to know them as a person, as well as fully understand their crimes, so that you can sentence them in a way that you think fits who they are as a person, as well as for the severity of their crimes. The sentencing guidelines go over the mandatory sentence terms as well as give some optional terms that you can assign if you feel they are appropriate for the defendant.
We will have Teen Court on August 24th at City Hall 224 W 9th St. Be there at 4:45pm.
Please contact Sioux Council if you have any questions, at (605) 361-2697.